Good Company Always Welcome

My dad and I are participating (for the first time!) in a craft festival. We were just approved today to have our own craft booth. I’m so excited :)! Our main items for sale are upcycled windows and frames. So, my task this summer is to rummage for items we can use for crafting.

On my first major rummaging adventure last weekend, I found a gold mine of old windows. I bought 9 of them for $33.00 (that’s just $3.67 each).

Here is one window I created and plan to sell at the festival. The problem – I have no idea how much to ask  for it :/.


Below are step-by-step instructions, along with pictures of the process. Continue reading »

DIY Fluffy Fabric Flowers

This post from Girl Loves Glam was a great step-by-step guide for making fabric flowers. You only need a few supplies, most of which you likely have on hand – fabric, a hot glue gun, some type of circle to trace, a pen or marker, scissors, and a straight pin (optional).

I made two sizes of flowers and used three different fabrics. For the bigger flower, I used a yellow fabric and burlap. For the smaller flowers, I used the same yellow fabric and a white fabric. These flowers were used to add a little interest to the chicken wire frame I made (post coming soon – UPDATE: Here it is.).


These are two of the fabrics I used (burlap not pictured).

Continue reading »

SavvyExpression Turns One

This time last year my idea of beginning a blog actually came to fruition. With the help of the hubby, I created I gave it a (terrible) green background and called it good enough. Despite becoming extremely busy with work (and the rest of life), I’ve posted about many projects, recipes, and more. It’s been a really enjoyable experience that I hope to continue for years to come.

Now, one year later, SavvyExpression has a new look. It’s missing my picture and small bio, though. I’ll get this added as soon as I can.

Take a look around, maybe you’ll find something you like :). I’ll help you get started – here are some of my favorite posts:

Veghetti (Veggie Spaghetti)

Southwestern Stuffed Peppers

Bring the Rain

Personalized Wedding Gift

Newspaper Decorations…Sort of 🙂

Helpful Painting Tips