DIY Personalized Ornate Frame

I have been looking all over for my inspiration picture and can’t seem to find it anywhere on my computer! Ugh. I guess I’ll just have to show you the final products by themselves.

Here are the personalized ornate frames I made for a couple individuals:



Here’s how to make it…   Continue reading »

Open for Business

July marks the first month of owning an Etsy shop!

Click here or ‘Shop’ at the top of this page to see items for sale and/or visit my Etsy shop.

After the craft festival later this year, I’ll add more items to my shop. For now, though, the large majority of items I make have to be saved for the festival.

Any tips on being a successful Etsy shop owner?


For Sale

Recently, I began selling some of my crafts at a local store. I’m so excited! I hope to have an Etsy shop soon…we’ll see. Be sure to check back in the coming weeks to see if I’ve opened one :). Below are some of the items I took to the local store – chalkboards, chicken wire frames, earring and necklace holders, and ‘I love you because…’ dry erase frames.

Items for SaleItems for Sale









Here are some other items I’ve made…

Do you have any business tips for me???

Good Company Always Welcome

My dad and I are participating (for the first time!) in a craft festival. We were just approved today to have our own craft booth. I’m so excited :)! Our main items for sale are upcycled windows and frames. So, my task this summer is to rummage for items we can use for crafting.

On my first major rummaging adventure last weekend, I found a gold mine of old windows. I bought 9 of them for $33.00 (that’s just $3.67 each).

Here is one window I created and plan to sell at the festival. The problem – I have no idea how much to ask  for it :/.


Below are step-by-step instructions, along with pictures of the process. Continue reading »

DIY Chalkboard

Picture frames are coming out of my ears, so I decided to get creative for my friend’s bridal shower. For her shower, I’m in charge of prizes! I’m so excited! 🙂 Using Pinterest as my inspiration, this is what I created:

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Personalized Wedding Gift

Good friends of ours were getting married, and we wanted to give them something special. Pinterest to the rescue! These two projects were my inspiration…

Here’s what I came up with, and luckily, they loved it!

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